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FIDO photos, 13-Jul-1997

(*) Eng
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This shots made during the IV-th assemblage of equinockers on Trukhan island, Kyiv, Ukraine using Canon Prima Zoom Shot AiAF camera on Kodak Gold film (ISO 200).
Printed by Fuji (9x13cm), scanned by Genius ScanMate Color PRO (105mm), 100dpi, 24bpp.
Text description also available (5k, rus)

photo, 41k Sergey Popov behind the meal and drink

photo, 41k Andrew Porokhnyak broach a 0.75l bottle of gorilka (distilled in Kozlovsk, Ternopil region)

photo, 41k Sergey Popov continue broaching same bottle

photo, 41k Sergey Popov in the middle of picnic

photo, 41k Andrew Porokhnyak in the middle of picnic

photo, 41k Andrew Poroknyak hangs on the tree (due to little drunk)

photo, 41k Sergey Popov pretends to be a gun target


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